Temple Elections (14-Dec-2024)

Dear Devotees

             As we usher in the new year, we are also looking at new ways of improving our services to you and the temple management with regards to distributing the workload. The current committee has been in office for over 9 years and has worked tirelessly towards the betterment of the temple. The Trustees and the committee have decided that it is about time to have fresh elections, but with a different structure so that each member has a defined role.

Please take this message as the formal announcement of the elections as per the schedule mentioned below. We highly encourage you to consider nominating yourself for either of these roles and in a truly democratic fashion, we will endeavour to have a fair and transparent election if more than one candidate applies for a particular post. You can also obtain further information on visiting the temple office, where details on the roles are published.

We encourage all our devotees and the wider Hindu community to come together to support the temple in this endeavour. Please note that in order to vote, one has to be an active member of the temple, hence we would urge you to please become a member or renew your membership as soon as possible.

Key roles for the Executive Committee for which the elections will be held:

  1. President
  2. Chairperson
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Member – Marketing and Communications Manager
  6. Member – Kitchen Services Manager
  7. Member – Cultural Activities Manager
  8. Member – Religious Activities Liaison Manager
  9. Member – Facilities Manager
  10. Member – General Manager

Eligibility Criteria:
Executive Committee Members of the Organisation must adhere to the following Eligibility Criteria throughout the duration of their role, failing which the Member cannot continue in their role.

  • All Members must be UK citizens or UK Permanent Residents, following the Hindu religion, and without any Criminal Convictions.
  • They must regularly attend the Organisation’s services and events. They must also maintain a minimum attendance of 75% at Executive Committee meetings.
  • No individual past or present, who has served in the Executive Committee as either the President, Chairperson, Treasurer or Secretary for two terms (each term is of three years) or six years in total, can contest the election.
  • Must be capable of undertaking their roles, having skills required for the role in line with their current or previous professional careers.
  • Executive Committee Members cannot be related to current Trustees, to current Members of the Executive Committee, or to any outgoing/retiring Executive Committee Members.

Election Schedule:

Election Process Commencement12/Dec/2024
Application for the post Opens07/Jan/2025
Last day to become a member and apply for Executive Committee posts09/Feb/2025
Candidate Validation & List Published12/Feb/2025
Annual General Body Meeting01/Feb/2025
Election Day16/Feb/2025

Lastly, let us not forget this opportunity to pass on our sincere thanks to the current Executive Committee members who have run the temple, with dedication, devotion, and sincerity for many years now.

Membership Drive (11-Dec-2024)

Dear devotees

If you are already a member of the HCO, we would really like to thank you for your continued support. Please ensure that your membership is active as it is an annual membership fee. However if your membership has expired, please renew it at the new membership rates below. Please note that you can do it through several different ways.
If you are still not a member, please become a member soon as it would help you to:

  • ✅ Stay updated on all temple activities and events 
  • ✅ Participate in temple committee voting. 
  • ✅ Strengthen your bond with our temple community.  

Membership Fees: Single: £20/year & Couple: £30/year 

How to become a member or renew your membership: 
? Pay by card: https://donate.mydona.com/hindu-cultural-organisation 

? By cash :- Visit the temple office and contact office bearer for registration.
? By Cheque :- please visit the temple office and contact office bearer for registration.
? Bank Transfer:- 

Bank: Barclays Bank UK PLC Account
Name: Hindu Cultural Organization 
Sort Code: 20-51-43
Account Number: 60066621 
Bank Transfer Reference: MM – (name) 
Once payment is done please contact office bearer or email with payment screenshot for issuing of membership card.

Let us unite to serve community and Hindu religion!

? Email: hcoliverpooltemple@gmail.com ? Contact: 0151 538 5442 
Warm regards, 

? Radha Krishna Temple  Liverpool ?



The Hindu Cultural Organization of Liverpool was founded to serve the Hindu community of Merseyside. It is a registered trust with Registered Charity No. 261646. Our Goals are:

  • Organizing  cultural, social and religious events
  • Provide support to society
  • Promoting awareness of Hinduism and it’s cultural values
  • Provide religious and cultural education programs and awareness
  • Promoting the message of peace in society
  • Promoting prosperity in the Society

Temple Timings…

Radha Krishna Temple is open for one and all.

Temple timings are listed below.
