Religious Activities

Temple provides pre-booking facility for any Hindu religious activities, havan or rituals.

Temple Priest Services are also available.

Please contact Temple Management for further information.

Hall Booking

Temple hall can be booked for multiple religious or festive celebrations or rituals e.g: Birthdays, Wedding Ceremonies, Funeral Rituals etc. Only Vegetarian options are available. Non Alcoholic beverages allowed only.

Please contact Temple Management for further information.

Educational & Other Activities

Apart from Religious activities we organise educational services as well e.g:

Hindi Classes (for details kindly contact Mr. H Poptani on

Religious Lectures

Senior Citizen Gatherings

Please contact Temple Management for further information.

Hall Booking

HCO provides service of Temple Hall booking and food arrangements. These requests need to be send to committee in advance for approvals. These services are paid and require membership.

Cultural Celebrations

Temple also promotes festival celebration on important Hindu Festivals or events. Join us in these events to communicate, to enjoy, to celebrate with society and people.

For more information about these events or celebrations please contact Temple Management.